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Rock / Pop»


Bild- und Textquelle: 36 Concerts / Lido Kultur -und Veranstaltungs GmbH

“Don’t move needle, just red zone” – this quote from Guitar Wolf during a studio session shows what Guitar Wolf is all about: Three guys and their dedication to true rock’n’roll. Unlike many other rock bands, Guitar Wolf live the rock’n’roll lifestyle like no one else has done before. You can hear it in their songs, you can see it on stage: sweat, blood, tears and unfiltered energy result in wild, destructive lo-fi...


Bild- und Textquelle: 36 Concerts / Lido Kultur -und Veranstaltungs GmbH

“Don’t move needle, just red zone” – this quote from Guitar Wolf during a studio session shows what Guitar Wolf is all about: Three guys and their dedication to true rock’n’roll. Unlike many other rock bands, Guitar Wolf live the rock’n’roll lifestyle like no one else has done before. You can hear it in their songs, you can see it on stage: sweat, blood, tears and unfiltered energy result in wild, destructive lo-fi rock’n’roll anthems. The result of this mixture of punk, rock and noise created a whole new genre, jet rock’n’roll. They were founded in 1987 and have since brought their worldwide cult status as the loudest and craziest garage noise band to the big screen in the trash rock’n’roll film “Wild Zero”.

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Mi. 30.10.2024 20.00 Uhr
Lido Berlin
  Tickets ab 23,30 €
Art Preis Anz.
Standard 23,30€
