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Rock / Pop»

Victor Ray

Victor Ray
Europe 2023© WME

Born in Uganda and raised in Newcastle, Victor Ray is the 23 year old singer, songwriter, acclaimed for his performances on the streets of London.
Having moved to London five years ago, Victor initially started busking to earn enough money to pay for his rent and university studies. This time gave Victor the opportunity to perfect his performances and over the last year has seen his hustle translate to a strong and loyal online following.
With countless songs stored away, this year will mark the start of...


Europe 2023


Born in Uganda and raised in Newcastle, Victor Ray is the 23 year old singer, songwriter, acclaimed for his performances on the streets of London.
Having moved to London five years ago, Victor initially started busking to earn enough money to pay for his rent and university studies. This time gave Victor the opportunity to perfect his performances and over the last year has seen his hustle translate to a strong and loyal online following.
With countless songs stored away, this year will mark the start of an exciting era for Victor as he releases the first songs from his solo project.


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Mo. 02.12.2024 20.00 Uhr
ASTRA Kulturhaus Berlin
  Tickets ab 36,30 €
Art Preis Anz.
Stehplatz 36,30€
